








S1416型转子式混砂机主要用于混制粘土砂、造型用的型砂,尤其适用于混 S1416 rotator mixer is mainly used for mixing molding clay sand, casting sand.and it 制机器造型用的单一砂,也可用于混制树脂自硬砂、面砂和芯砂。 specially fits to mix the molding sand for machine molding. It also can be used for mixing self-hardening resin sand, facing sand and core sand . 该机是采用专利技术(专利号:CN87212761.3)设计的一种率混砂机。 The patent technology is in use in the design of mixing mechanism of the machine (patent No CN87212761.3). 该机的主要工作原理是采用低速转动的刮板推动物料在机盆内形成环流运动,中 The working principle of the mixer is:the plow in lower speed pushes the sand in pan to 速转动的转子叶片即对型砂施以冲击,又与刮板配合对型砂施以剪切力,使砂粒 from rotational motion,the rotator blades in medium speed exert either impact force to molding 之间发生冲击和激烈的磨擦,从而达到混砂速度快、混砂质量好和耗能低的目的。 sand or shear force with plow to make impact and mixing,better quality and low energy consumption. 在直径相同的情况下,该机机盆内的有效容积大,一次加料量多,生产率高,机 In the case of diameter of the pan is equal, the effective volume in pan of the mixer is larger, so the batch capacity is larger and productivity is higher too. In addition 器的混砂机构比较简单,维修方便,混砂机构的惯性小,节电效果,是一种 the mixing mechanism of machine is simple, easy maintenance. The inertia of mixing mechanism is less, so it can save energy. 性能先进的混砂设备。 It is a kind of advanced Mixer. 1、 技术规格(Technical Specification) 盘径(Pan Dia )--------------------------------------------------------------------1600mm 一次加料量(Batch Capacity )------------------------------------------------------600Kg 生产率(Max Capacity )--------------------------------------------------------------20T/H 主电机功率(Main motor Power )-----------------------------------------------------15KW 转子电机功率(Rotator motor Power )--------------------------------------------2x7.5KW 油泵电机功率(Oil pump motor Power )------------------------------------------0.55KW 油泵型号(Oil pump Model )---------------------------------------------------------CB-B10 油泵流量(Oil pump flow rate )------------------------------------------------------10L/Min 外形尺寸(Overall sizes )----